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Thread: The conern about modding (question and answers)

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    Default The conern about modding (question and answers)

    I found this on the other forum and i think its good to post this up so there are no more whys.......
    I want to tint the windows on this car
    There is no restriction on window tint or colouring on rear windows as long as there are side mirrors providing a clear view to the rear. A driver must have a clear view out of the front windows and the windshield and a police officer must have a clear view in.
    HTA 73(1)(a) – Window obstructed / Windshield obstructed - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 73(3) – Colour coating obscuring interior - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to remove or alter the gas cap on this car
    The gas cap must be able to provide a seal to meet emission standards. All Emission Control Equipment manufactured on a vehicle must be present and operating as intended. If the manufacturer put it there, it has to stay.
    EPA 23(2) Person - knowingly operating vehicle - emission control equipment not complying with regulations - $300.00/$365.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________
    I want to lower the suspension and slam this car
    No part of the tires may come into contact with the vehicle, no part of the vehicle can touch the ground and the front wheels cannot be visibly out of alignment.
    HTA 70(3)(a) – Improper tires - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA O.Reg 625 Section 5(b) – Reference Section for HTA 70(3)(a)
    HTA O.Reg 611 Schedule 1 Section 3(5) – Reference Section for HTA 84 – Operate unsafe vehicle – No Set Fine, Maximum $20,000.00 fine.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to put oversize or wide tires on this car
    The tires must be approved for highway use and can not be in contact with any part of the car. You may also have to install mud guards or mud flaps.
    HTA 70(3)(a) – Improper tires - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 66(3) – Improper mudguards / No mudguards - $85.00/110.00
    HTA O.Reg 625 Section 5(b) – Reference Section for HTA 70(3)(a)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to remove the door handles on this car
    No Problem. Just how do you expect emergency services to get you out of your car in the event of a crash?
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    I want to paint this car a different colour
    No Problem, just remember to get a new vehicle permit within 6 days. This also applies to if you change the engine, fuel system, number of doors, number of axles or convert the body style.
    HTA O.Reg 628 Section 3 – Vehicle modified – fail to apply for new permit - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to add green side marker lights to this car
    Your car must be OVER 6.1 meters in length and the lights can not be visible to the front or the rear. In addition, the lights cannot be flashing.
    HTA 62(1) (All Lights) – Drive without proper headlights – motor vehicle - $85.00/110.00
    HTA 62(13) (Side Marker Lights) – Improper use of side marker lamps - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(16) (Green Flashing Lights) – Use VFF lamp improperly - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to add Red, Blue, Green, Purple or other coloured lights or coloured windshield sprayer lights to this car
    It is illegal to have any coloured lights other than white or amber to the front of a car. Red is restricted to Police, Fire and Ambulance, Green is restricted to Volunteer Firefighters and blue is restricted to Snow Plows and Highway Sanders.
    HTA 62(1) (All Lights) – Drive without proper headlights – motor vehicle - $85.00/110.00
    HTA 62(15) (Red Lights) - Red light at front - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(16) (Green Lights) – Use VFF lamp improperly - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(32) (Blue Lights) – Improper use of blue flashing light - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    One of the wheel fasteners has fallen off this car.
    I'll just drive it until Monday when I can get it fixed No wheel stud, bolt, clamp, nut or lug shall be loose, missing, damaged, broken, mismatched or have insufficient thread engagement.
    HTA O.Reg 611 Schedule 1 Section 7(3)(a) - Reference Section for HTA 84 – Operate unsafe vehicle – No Set Fine, Maximum $20,000.00 fine.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to install racing or drag slicks on this car
    It is illegal to use any tire that is marked “not for highway use” or any tire that is not DOT or otherwise approved.
    HTA 70(3)(a) – Improper tires - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA O.Reg 625 Section 5(b) – Reference Section for HTA 70(3)(a)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I think the tires on this car are still good. How do I check?
    Check the tread depth. Tires that are worn below 1.5 millimeters in two adjacent major grooves or where tread wear indicators contact the roadway are unsafe. Any exposed cord or bulges in the sidewall make the tries unsafe too.
    HTA 70(3)(a) – Improper tires - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA O.Reg 625 Section 5(b) – Reference Section for HTA 70(3)(a)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to add graphics to the top of the windshield of this car
    Depending on the size of the lettering this may be illegal. There can be nothing obstructing the driver’s view of the road ahead. A good guide is to avoid the area swept by the windshield wipers.
    HTA 73(1)(b) - Have object obstructing view - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to lighten this car by replacing the windshield and door glass
    Installing non-safety glass is illegal.
    HTA 72(3) – Install non-safety glass – No Set Fine, Maximum $1,000.00 fine.
    HTA O.Reg 611 Schedule 1 Section 1(7)(a)&(d) - Reference Section for HTA 84 – Operate unsafe vehicle – No Set Fine, Maximum $20,000.00 fine.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to modify the wipers to have one blade
    No Problem, as long as it properly clears the windshield and does not obstruct the view of the driver.
    HTA 66(1)(a) – Improper windshield wiper / No windshield wiper - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 73(1)(b) - Have object obstructing view - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to remove the windshield wipers on this car
    Every car or truck must have a system to remove moisture from the windshield. It must be in good working order at all times and controlled by the driver.
    HTA 66(1)(a) – Improper windshield wiper / No windshield wiper - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to add red, blue or green turn signals to this car
    Red Lights on the front are restricted to Police Fire and Ambulance. Green is restricted to Volunteer Firefighters and blue is restricted to Snow Plows and Highway Sanders.
    HTA 62(1) (All Lights) – Drive without proper headlights – motor vehicle - $85.00/110.00
    HTA 62(15) (Red Lights) - Red light at front - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(14) Red Lights – Use lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(16) (Green Lights) – Use VFF lamp improperly - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(32) (Blue Lights) – Improper use of blue flashing light - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to install smoked headlight covers or masks over the headlights
    It is illegal to cover your Headlights with any tinted or coloured material or to reduce the effective area of the beam of your headlights.
    HTA 62(7) - Drive with headlamp coated / Drive with headlamp covered / Drive with headlamp modified - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to drive with my headlights, fog lights, rally lights and marker lights on at night
    A car can’t have more than four lights pointing forward, projecting a beam with an intensity over 300 candela.
    HTA 62(9) – More than 4 lighted headlights - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to set this car up to have the headlights flash alternately
    It is illegal to have alternating flashing headlights except for emergency vehicles.
    HTA 169(2) – Prohibited use of alternating highbeam headlights - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to drive with only the fog lights or daylight running lights on at night
    A proper headlight for night (½ hour before sunset and ½ hour after sunrise) must be capable of switching between projecting high beams or low beams. This must be controlled by the driver.
    HTA O.Reg 596 Section 2(1) – Improper Lights - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to add a tail, fin or spoiler to this car
    No Problem; as long as it is securely fastened to the vehicle and there are mirrors in good working order that provide a clear view to the rear.
    HTA 111(2) – Insecure load - $130.00/160.00
    HTA 74(1)(b) – No clear view rear - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to put the validation sticker on my licenece plate cover or show all the stickers for every year I have owned my car
    Your sticker or val-tag must be affixed to the top right corner of the rear plate for cars and front plate for commercial motor vehicles.
    HTA 12(1)(f) – Use validation not in accordance with Act / Regulations - $140.00/$170.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to put a darkened or coloured licence plate cover on the car
    It is an offence to obstruct, cover or do anything that makes the licence plate numbers not plainly visible or makes the plate appear to be different from the intended appearance.
    HTA – Dark, coloured or dirty cover 13(2) – Obstruct plate / Dirty Plate / Entire plate not plainly visible - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA – Yellow or red cover 13(1) – Confuse identity of plate - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to install a nitrous oxide system in my car
    It is legal to possess nitrous oxide. However, the system must be securely mounted. The bottle should be mounted rigidly away from crumple zones. Hatchbacks with bottles containing compressed gas must have a blow-by tube routed underneath the car; in case of failure the gas vents out of the vehicle, not in it. Do not drop it or damage the valve and do not grind off the bottle's date of manufacture. Secure bottles firmly in their mounting brackets, preferably with rubber insulation to protect the bottle. The lines from the bottle to the engine must be of the highest quality and kept separate from all heat sources.
    Note: Although legal to possess, most insurance companies will not insure a vehicle equipped with nitrous oxide systems.
    Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act: Fail to meet safety requirements, safety standards and safety marks while transporting dangerous goods. (Section 2) - no set fine
    __________________________________________________ __________

    I want to install a neon light around my licence plate
    It is illegal to have any other light directed at your licence plate other than white and the light must shine on the plate only. It is illegal to have a coloured neon light illuminate your licence plate. A white light must illuminate your plate.
    HTA 62(19) – Improper number plate light - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to borrow my friend's plates to get this car fixed or to get a safety check done
    Plates have to be registered to the car that they are on. The validation sticker has to match both the car and the plate.
    HTA 12(1)(d) – Use plate not authorized for vehicle
    HTA 12(1)(e) – Use validation not furnished for vehicle
    No Set Fine, Maximum $1000.00 fine or 30 days in jail with a 6 month driving suspension.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to remove or hollow out the Catalytic Converter on this car
    The Catalytic Converter sensor is an emission control component. All Emission Control Equipment manufactured on a vehicle must be present and operating as intended. If the manufacturer put it there, it has to stay.
    EPA 23(2) Person — knowingly operating vehicle — emission control equipment not complying with regulations - $300.00/$365.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to install a custom exhaust on this car
    All cars, trucks and motorcycles need to be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise and excessive smoke. Use of a muffler cut-out, straight exhaust, gutted muffler, Hollywood muffler, by-pass or similar device is prohibited.
    HTA 75(1) – No muffler - Motor Vehicle / Improper muffler - Motor Vehicle – $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 74(4) – Unreasonable smoke / Unnecessary Noise - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to replace my gas tank with a fuel cell
    The fuel delivery and storage system must be sealed to prevent the emission of fuel vapours. All Emission Control Equipment manufactured on a vehicle must be present and operating as intended.
    EPA 23(2) Person — knowingly operating vehicle — emission control equipment not complying with regulations - $300.00/$365.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to add white, blue or green turn signals to this car
    White lights are not permitted to the rear, except for reversing lights and the licence plate light. Green is restricted to Volunteer Firefighters and blue is restricted to Snow Plows and Highway Sanders.
    HTA 62(1) (All Lights) – Drive without proper rear lights – motor vehicle - $85.00/110.00
    HTA 62(16) (Green Lights) – Use VFF lamp improperly - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(32) (Blue Lights) – Improper use of blue flashing light - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to remove the mirrors on this car
    You must keep at least one mirror to provide you with a clear view of the road to the rear.
    HTA 66(1)(b) – Improper mirror / No Mirror - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to install a neon or other light around the dash board
    If it is visible outside of the car then the applicable lighting offences apply. Interior lights that obstruct your view may be subject to additional charges.
    HTA 62(1) (All Lights) – Drive without proper headlights – motor vehicle - $85.00/110.00
    HTA 62(15) (Red Lights) - Red light at front - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(14) Red Lights – Use lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(16) (Green Lights) – Use VFF lamp improperly - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 62(32) (Blue Lights) – Improper use of blue flashing light - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to put the front plate on the dash
    Every car or truck must display two plates; One on the front and one on the back in a conspicuous location. The Plate has to be on the vehicle, not in the vehicle.
    HTA 7(1)(b) – Drive motor vehicle fail to display two plates - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to disconnect the oxygen sensor on this car
    The oxygen sensor is an emission control component. All Emission Control Equipment manufactured on a vehicle must be present and operating as intended. If the manufacturer put it there, it has to stay.
    EPA 23(2) Person — knowingly operating vehicle — emission control equipment not complying with regulations - $300.00/$365.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to remove the charcoal canister from this car
    All Emission Control Equipment manufactured on a vehicle must be present and operating as intended. If the manufacturer put it there, it has to stay.
    EPA 23(2) Person — knowingly operating vehicle — emission control equipment not complying with regulations - $300.00/$365.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to install a breather filter on the engine of this car
    The Positive Crankcase Ventilation system must be maintained as a closed loop system and the emissions are returned to be burned off by the combustion components of the engine. All Emission Control Equipment manufactured on a vehicle must be present and operating as intended.
    EPA 23(2) Person — knowingly operating vehicle — emission control equipment not complying with regulations - $300.00/$365.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to install a cold air intake on this car
    This modification can be made legally, provided that the Positive Crankcase System remains a closed loop system and the emissions are returned to be burned off by the combustion components of the engine. All Emission Control Equipment manufactured on a vehicle must be present and operating as intended.
    EPA 23(2) Person — knowingly operating vehicle — emission control equipment not complying with regulations - $300.00/$365.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to hang something from the mirror of this car
    There can be nothing obstructing the driver’s view of the road ahead.
    HTA 73(1)(b) – Have object obstructing view - $85.00/$110.00
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    I want to replace or modify the instrument cluster on this car
    No Problem, but the odometer must be in good working order.
    HTA 66(5) – Defective odometer / No Odometer - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to install a DVD player or TV in the dash of this car
    A modification of this type may be illegal. Driving with distractions such as video games, movies and TV shows is very dangerous. If the DVD player has a ‘kill switch’ that only allows the TV to work when the car is parked, then this is OK. Back seats are allowed to have TVs or DVD players. GPS navigation systems, electronic truck logs, courier and police dispatching systems are examples of permitted use of TVs.
    HTA 78(1)(a) – Television in front seat $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 78(1)(b) – Television visible to driver $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 78 (2) – Television operating in front seat $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 78 (2) – Television operating - visible to driver $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to install an aftermarket steering wheel in this car
    No Problem, as long as you remember to relocate or keep the horn switch.
    HTA 75(5) – No Horn – Motor vehicle - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to remove the air bags on this car
    No Problem. There are no laws that state you must have, keep or maintain your air bags. Just notify your insurance company so they can adjust your premiums appropriately.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to replace the seats on this car
    Replacement seats cannot be marked “not for highway use” and the anchor points must be of adequate strength.
    HTA O.Reg 611 Schedule 1 Section 1(1)(j) - Reference Section for HTA 84 – Operate unsafe vehicle – No Set Fine, Maximum $20,000.00 fine.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to remove the window handles on this car
    The car must have a window to the left of the driver that opens.
    HTA O.Reg 611 Schedule 1 Section 1(7)(i) - Reference Section for HTA 84 – Operate unsafe vehicle – No Set Fine, Maximum $20,000.00 fine.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I can't find the ownership or insurance. I can bring it to the police station within 24 hours of being pulled over, right?
    No. The Ownership and Insurance must be valid and surrendered upon the demand of a police officer.
    HTA 7(5)(a) – Fail to surrender permit for motor vehicle - $85.00/110.00
    CAIA 3(1) – Fail to surrender insurance card - $50.00/$65.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I have moved to a new address
    Remember to change your address on your driver’s licence and your ownership within 6 days of moving.
    HTA O.Reg 340/94 Section 33(1) – Fail to notify change of address licence - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 9(2) – Fail to notify change of address - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want a really loud sound system, a really loud exhaust system and I want to lay down a patch with this car
    Any unreasonable or unnecessary noise or smoke coming from any vehicle is an offence.
    HTA 74(4) – Unnecessary Noise - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 74(4) – Unnecessary Smoke - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to replace the seatbelts on this car with a racing harness
    Racing harnesses are not DOT approved. Replacement seat belts cannot be marked “not for highway use” and the anchor points must be of adequate strength.
    HTA 106(2) – Drive with seat belt assembly removed / inoperative / modified - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA O.Reg 611 Schedule 1 Section 1(1)(k) & (l) - Reference Section for HTA 84 – Operate unsafe vehicle – No Set Fine, Maximum $20,000.00 fine.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    The parking brake on this car doesn't work, but I don't use it much anyway
    Every vehicle must have two working braking systems with separate means of application.
    HTA 64(7) – Defective brakes / Defective braking system - $85.00/$110.00
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    I want to drive this car with the seat reclined
    This may interfere with seatbelt use or the driver’s ability to reach the controls or operate the vehicle.
    HTA 106(2) – Drive with seat belt assembly removed / inoperative / modified - $85.00/$110.00
    HTA 162 – Drive while crowded - $85.00/110.00
    2010 Subaru STI

    Not enough room to list

  2. #2
    Moderator S.F.W.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    agreed, and stickified.
    2010 Black Mazdaspeed 3 - Lightly modded

  3. #3
    Sr Member Skarbro's Avatar
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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    This looks like the post that was on another forum.

    I'de just like to point out that even if something is legal - it doesn't mean that the regular insurance companies don't like it. For example, aftermarekt intakes can be legal, but most insurance companies would cancel you or deny your claim if they found out you had one.
    2006 Mazda 3 Sport GT●Black Mica●Manual●Sunroof

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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Skarbro View Post
    This looks like the post that was on another forum.
    you must be blind

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearly View Post
    I found this on the other forum and i think its good to post this up so there are no more whys.......

  5. #5
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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    Yeah, technically you have to inform your insurance companies of any modifications made to the vehicle, and they'll drop you like a hot potato for power adders or even such trivial things as a set of mild lowering springs.

    Then you end up having to pay the outrageous rates for facility insurance.

    It's a stupidly unfair system by insurance companies who can't be bothered to determine what's safe and legal and what isn't.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    this is a great post, good stuff KEvin!
    - Broli

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    Here's a source if anyone is wondering...

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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    Un-farking believable! You guys don't appreciate my one and only contribution to this forum!

    I'll be alright....

    *Walks off crying*

    No....I want to be alone!

    2006 Copper Red Mazda3 GT Sport

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cardinal Fang View Post
    Un-farking believable! You guys don't appreciate my one and only contribution to this forum!

    I'll be alright....

    *Walks off crying*

    No....I want to be alone!
    2 thread on the same topic ....lock'er up

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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    I'd just like to point out that my post, albeit stollen, was here first.

    Carry on...

  11. #11
    Sr Member Broli's Avatar
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    Default Re: The conern about modding (question and answers)

    haha, i shoulda caught that, i even wondered if it was the same as cardi's but had to run off to do something.

    thread locked, but i notice that the other thread is locked also,

    so, if anyone wants to have discussion on this matter, please start a new thread in the general lounge and link to Cardi's thread (and this thread if you want) for the reccomendations

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