Have been driving my late 2008 2.0 HB since 2010 to now... It's 240k incoming... So far, beaides regular maintenance, done quite a lot repairs in these years... Said to myself before, I won't never buy Mazda again... And thinking about retiring it since about 2 years ago... However, it become a good partner to come through the pandemic with my family and never put us down~ and this old girl really changed my mind in these two years..
So... I am looking for a new Mazda3 and found that there are 3 main models... Don't think I will take the 2.0 again... And thinking the turbo GT jumps up to 30K+, and I don't think I like the turbo stuff, So i will probably skip that 'high end' model... However the added features on the GT are attractive to me...
If so, the only choice will be the 2.5
Any comments on this model line up? Looks only one package to choose if u want some 'loaded stuff'...
Made in Japan or Mexico?
Please free feel to speak out if you want to share anything about it... Much appreciated ~