Originally posted by car_demon
So I turned the majical 29 this past Monday and the g.F. treats me to a Blue Mountain weekend and arranges for a manicure and pedicure for me locally here in Brampton. So I reluctantly go in thinking that only gurly men do that $#it. So the place is empty and I\'m led to this backroom with a lovely massage chair and foot whirlpool bath.
Out comes this Asian hottie named Kim. 4\'9\", well tanned skin, long black hair with the typical brownish orange highlights, make-up like catwoman, curvy shapely petite body weighing 95lbs and nice mango size breasts in her revealing outfit. She had lively flirtatious eyes and a slightly aged face so I knew she was over 17 and below 60. I couldn\'t tell with that Nationality or Ethnicity!(No offence; but a compliment). I was intrigued by her numerous bangles on her wrists and the gold chains on her neck which accented her smooth complexion. And of course the ultimate turn-on was the thong slightly showing when she bent over revealing no tan-lines on her tailbone and bum-bum. She motions for me to sit at her station; the g.f. rolls her eyes as she gets a less attractive girl to work on her feet.
Let\'s just say I got the best pedicure and foot massage of my life. Because I had long legs, the calf rub made my therapist stretch while my foot was in her breast of which she done purposely while she was mumbling \"whey-bing, bong, bal-ing\" to her other partner a few chairs down from me and then she would smile and they would snicker like school girls. Ever get that feeling that people are talking about you in another language. I need to bring an intepreter next time.
The g.f. was furious and kept staring at my trackpants crotch. Let\'s just say I should have worn jeans and two pairs of tight underwear. The girl didn\'t seem to mind but enjoyed my arousal and was stroking my feet and calves in a peculiar and erotic way. The pressure points she was pressing most have hit the missile button too and who was I to not give in. Reflexology and pressure points date back a long time and the Shaolin peasant treatment she was giving made me feel like the Abbot in a higher level of meditation.
I was then escorted to the manicure section of which we sat face to face as she methodically worked on my hands and fingers. The G.F. was also situated a couple of chairs down and I felt guilty and good while the therapist chick embraced my hands intimately and seductively. I felt a connection. She started asking me questions about how old was I?, how long I was dating this chick and what was my nationality? All of a sudden she blurted out that her ex was a Canadian-Jamaican man. I must have blushed because she gave me her business card and told me to book with her anytime.
I think that I should treat myself to a pedicure more often and see what happens.
When it was done an paid for by the g.f. she gave me the evil eye and told me that I should never go back there alone and that she knows better places. I think she is wrong. I should go back there with some guy buddies

I don\'t want to reveal this secret location in Brampton yet until I go there again and book my next appointment. I\'ll keep you guys filled in though.